mama (ba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
my, our mother
mama wacu (ba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
my, our maternal aunt
mama wanje (ba-  1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
my mother
 mama : imperative of...
kumama (-mamye)     v    to silence by motion of the hand
 mama : plural (without augment) of...
ima (ama-)     5  class 5
singular: i-,iri-
plural: ama-
drop of liquid
mama   mother    (dearly loved) māma w'umukōndo
(my, our) māma, māwe, ma
(your) nyōko (sometimes with negative implication, rude derogative)
(his, her, their) nyina
En-En dictionary 
mama w'umukōndo   phr    beloved mother

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