kurira (-rize)     v    to cry, weep
kurīra (-rīriye)     v    to eat at, in, because of
umukurira (aba-)     1  class 1
singular: umu-
plural: aba-
a weaned child
 kurira : imperative of...
gukurira (-kuriye)     v    1. to pull grass away from base of plant, 2. to grow at, for
gukūrira (-kūriye)     v    to take away at, for
 kurira : Prefixless Present 7.class sing. of:
kwūrira (-ūriye)   v    1. to climb (as tree), 2. to board (a bus, train)
 kurira : Simple Present 9.class sing. of:
kwīra (-īje)     v    1. to get dark, to be night, 2. to get late

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