inzira (in-  3  class 3
singular: i-,in-
plural: i-,in-
1. path, way, 2. direction, 3. process
 inzira : Prefixless Present 2.class plural with 1.class 1.pers. sg. object of:
kuzira (-zize)   v    1. to be forbidden, taboo, to refuse to eat, to despise, 2. to be punished for someone else's wrong doing, to suffer or be punished because of a certain thing, 3. to avenge wrong done to one's family
 inzira : Prefixless Present 2.class plural with 1.class 1.pers. sg. object of:
kuzīra (-zīze)   v    to come at (time, prepositional form of kūza)

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